The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) problems – evil, suffering, the sins of power greed

Currently, I feel obliged to research and find the problems that divide communities in South Sudan. According to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, “the line dividing good and evil cuts [deep] through the heart of every human being.” The Nuer ethnic group had massacred in 2013 by forces that were organised by a tribe (Dinka) using the state’s power in South Sudan and denied the survivors of that genocide compensations to rebuild and return to their livelihood in their respective towns, residential areas, or villages.

The survivors of the state sponsored genocide had to lives in the internal displacement camps, and in the refugee camps in the neighbouring countries of Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, etcetera, for the last 12 years or so.
As consequent of cultural decay, after 2013’s Nuer massacre in Juba, communities destroyed, and people displaced into foreign land. As result of this displacement, the people of South Sudan had to experience another horrific and inhumane genocide in Sudan. The disturbing killing of innocent civilians which were carried out by the Sudan Army forces (SAF) and its affiliated militia groups against the people of South Sudan and other marginalised groups in the Sudan, took place between 14-15 January 2025, in Wad Madani, the capital of El Jazira state and surrounding areas in Central Sudan.

Communities and livelihood of people had been devastated and destroyed. This page calls for truth, justice, and accountability. It has also call for “moral and spiritual renewal” in both Sudan and South Sudan.
A society cannot be certainty and survive when there is no morality. But the tragedy is that when a certainty voice appeared in the “wilderness,” there would be no one to see or listen. Critical voices of wisdom had lost because of ignorance. It would seem very strange however for an individual with no power to be listened to… But the truth always remains the same.

42 years or so, the years of SPLM rule, a time of great uncertainty and disruption of peace, and time of barbaric killings! Where does the evil of SPLM from 1983-2025 come from? Let me leave aside the atrocities committed during liberation time and make them less immediate concerns. Let me consider what had happened after independent, from 2011-2025; the Nuer massacre in 2013 for example, or 2016 dogfight in J1, the palace, which killed over seven hundred and wounded more than eight hundred, or the countless communal killing, surely you can see evil in the SPLM, and thus hate them forever.